I primarily teach courses on religious violence, insurgency and terrorism, and international security. My courses combine dynamic lectures with provocative discussions and interactive exercises, including in-class simulations, to promote critical, innovative, and policy-relevant thinking. I have developed and taught courses at the University of Notre Dame and the University of California, Berkeley.
My spring 2020 course at the former featured a virtual exchange with students at Notre Dame University Bangladesh and a week-long immersion learning experience in Oman. At UC Berkeley I also served as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) for introductory and advanced courses on international relations, comparative politics, and political violence. More information about the courses I have taught at both institutions is available to the right. My excellence in teaching has been recognized in several ways, including the Graduate Student Instructor of the Year Award presented by the Berkeley Undergraduate Political Science Association and an Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award presented by the Berkeley GSI Teaching and Resource Center. I also have significant experience advising and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. For seven years, I trained first-time GSIs at a conference organized by the Berkeley GSI Teaching and Resource Center. I also supported undergraduate research at Berkeley through the Student Mentoring and Research Teams (SMART) Program and the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program. |
Holy Cross-roads: Religion and Politics from South Bend to South Asia
University of Notre Dame [Spring 2020] Keough School of Global Studies Instructor of Record Student blogs about this course can be found here and here. The course was also featured in the campus newspaper, The Observer. Religion is Revolting: University of Notre Dame [Spring & Summer 2019] Department of Sociology Instructor of Record Religion and Comparative Politics: University of Notre Dame [Spring 2019] Department of Political Science Instructor of Record Small Wars & Insurgency: UC Berkeley [Spring & Summer 2018] Department of Political Science Instructor of Record Introduction to International Relations UC Berkeley [Fall 2017, 2013, 2011, 2010] Department of Political Science Graduate Student Instructor for Amy Gurowitz Religion and Conflict UC Berkeley [Fall 2016, 2012] Department of Political Science Graduate Student Instructor for Ron E. Hassner WAR! UC Berkeley [Spring 2017, 2012, 2011] Department of Political Science Graduate Student Instructor for Ron E. Hassner Dictatorship and its Discontents UC Berkeley [Summer 2017] Department of Political Science Graduate Student Instructor for Jason Wittenberg Russia After Communism UC Berkeley [Summer 2013] Department of Political Science Graduate Student Instructor for M. Steven Fish |